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Bonda kak Sue
HAJJAH SITI AMINAH BT TAHIR telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada Ahad, 20 Jun 2010 (7 Rejab 1431H). Semoga Allah merahmati rohnya dan ditempatkan dalam golongan hambaNya yang beriman. Amiiin... Al-Fatihah..

Terima kasih kepada yang sudi menghadiahkan Fatihah kepada bonda. Semoga Allah swt juga memberkati saudara-i...Wassalam.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim n Salam Ukhwah...


In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Compassionate.

Salam Ukhwah dan selamat melalui Ramadhan 1430H serta selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. Semoga kita dapat menghadapi segala dugaan hidup dengan keimanan dan kesabaran. Kunci kebahagiaan dan ketenangan hidup adalah berfikir sebelum bertindak dan kepekaan kepada masyarakat sekeliling. Setiap detik masa berlalu, semakin jauh kaki melangkah dan semakin singkat masa untuk kita sampai ke destinasi.... jadi, jalani hidup yang ceria dan bermakna..! Di mana dan siapa pun kita, kitalah yang membina dan mencorak komuniti sejagat. Budi bahasa cerminan diri....

Everywhere men are born free, yet he is chained!



Bismillah, ( بِسْمِ اللهِ )

For a stranger who travels in the deserts of Arabia, it is necessary to get the protection of a tribal chief. Only then may he escape the mischief of robbers and be sure his needs will be met. Traveling alone would be a waste of time because of the enemies and unmet needs he must face.

Two men once set out on such a desert jour ney. One was humble, the other arrogant. The humble man took the protection of a tribal chief, but the arrogant one didn’t. The former traveled everywhere in safety. Whenever he met a robber, he would say, “I’m traveling in the name of such and such chief,” and the robber would move on without molesting him. He would be treated with respect in every tent he entered because of that name. By contrast, the arrogant one suffered indescribable disasters throughout his journey. He trembled in constant fear and was obliged to struggle and beg for his every need. He became low and mean.

Man is a traveller in the desert of the world

O arrogant soul! You are that traveller and this world is the desert. Your weakness and pov erty know no bounds. You face countless enemies and privations. So, invoke the name of the Eternal Owner and the Everlasting Ruler of this world. Only then will you be saved from having to beg from others and from constantly living in fear.

The phrase bismillah is so blessed a treasure that, by connecting you to the infinite Power and Mercy of the Omnipotent and Merciful One, it transforms your weakness and poverty into the most heeded of intercessors at His Exalted Court. The one who, uttering bismillah, acts in the name of God, is like the one who joins an army and then acts under the state’s name. He fears no one, does all things in the name of the law and the state and persists against all odds.

There are reasons why the Divine Names, al-Rahman (the Merciful) and al-Rahim (the Compassionate) were included in the bismillah, the formula uttered at the outset of every good deed and intention: In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim

own a light, so comprehensive and splendid that it envelops the whole universe, and is enough to satisfy anyone’s needs for ever and to secure them against all kinds of hostility. One can be enlightened to these two greatest of the Divine Names through a grasp of his poverty and helplessness vis-à-vis the riches and power of God, and, in return, through thanksgiving to God for His limitless compassion and mercy. This is, in fact, the way of sincere affection and devotion to God and humility.

The remedy for the ailments of affection is the truth expressed by the verse, God is the best guardian, and He is the most Merciful of the Merciful. (12:64).

May we are blessed in what ever we do, and where ever we are....

Take care and wassalam..!

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*The tale 0f you and I*

you gave walking sticks to others

yet you yourself were limping

you offered a lending hand

but it was you who needed help

you wore shields and armours

but it wasnt the outside that needed protection

you claimed others as foes and threats

yet you stabbed your very own heart

you blamed the time for being envious

was it not you who made the clock?

you walked the road with glitters and jewels

but back in home you slept on dirt

you conquered the lands and the oceans and skies

yet you moaned and screamed in dreams

you were the king of glorious men

but you were held captive of unseen strings

you claimed yourself a proud free man

yet you were chained to your old ventriloquist>

"By the power of Truth...."